My Dream, My Future
New Year, A New Me ?... ;)

ICT :)
I was kind of different now. I’ve been busy and yet have been lazy.
I was distracted by so many things. I couldn’t help myself although
I distracted by these activities, I still enjoy the lessons in our subject ICT.
It’s not new to me actually because I’ve made several of hyperlinks and etc.
To my blogs back then and exploring many things. I never thought that it can be a part of our lessons. I’m glad that we also applied what we’ve learned to our project :P a
nd In last grading, I’ll be doing my very best. Enjoy and cherish every moment that we’ll have.
Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities
We're living in the world we never really knew how existed. Full of mysteries and uncertainty. Full of unknown things and faults. But have we ever thought the rights we could claim? The opportunities we could take? Fair and Equal though?
We're living in the world full of uncertainty that we should be accommodated with strength and courage to know our own rights and the opportunities we could take equally without discriminating anyone. We are also indulged to discern the rights of our own Mother Earth to achieve equality and stimulate opportunities. All in all, one of the best example of having unequal rights and opportunities is Discrimination. It usually happens in Office, or School and is one of the main reason why many people couldn't mange a nice work. Equal Opportunities wasn't implemented. Equal rights are being dishonored. Instead of studying the background or the ability of a person, they mostly look more on the physical appearance or outlook of that applicant.. In a family status, is you are a relative or came from a reach family, most probably you could get a higher position that fast and easy. Face the fact. That's what they do right now. They're discriminating people, they are underestimating the ability of many hard working people. Why is that? Because of money? They don't have plenty of money and they don't have the power ? Is that it? We still Have our rights. They don't know how dedicated these little people that they underestimate to their works that no one could ever comply with it.
Le us give equal rights and equal opportunities to everyone. :)
English Month Celebration

This year's English month celebration, English language expanded at all throughout the world with the theme, "Going global though English Language." The Globalization of English Language brought name of its significance.
English language is the main spoken language around the world. At present, English is playing the principal role in our society. It is use is many fields such as in Teaching, a second language, in science, arts, music and entertainment and so much more. You see the vital role of English to us?
Another is we could further understand each other wherever we are in this world. People can also learn English by just merely watching TV or Hollywood. All we need is just Practice Practice. There are worth 45 Nations in the world who use English as their 1st language by 470 Million people all over the world. MAKE EVERYBODY SURVIVE AND GO ANYWHERE. An expression they said that reminds us the importance of ENGLISH in our lives.
Essence Of Christmas
Christmas is about love. Caring about another over yourself, spending the time to do the little things to make the holiday special for loved ones. Christmas is not just a time for festivity and merry making. It is more than what we knew about it. It is the time for the contemplation of eternal things. It is the spirit of giving and forgiving. Christmas is also about togetherness. Being with the people you love, laughing, sharing a meal, sharing happy memories. Christmas is about giving. Doing things for others - collecting food for the needy, helping with toy distributions to needy children. Remembering those less fortunate. I have been to discover that Christmas isn't about the presents we buy or the fancy meals some eat. It isn't about standing in line ups at stores or handing over a gift we feel obliged to give. It's about love and loving in the best ways we can.

The predictions of climate change provide us knowledge of the future. These predictions are not like those from a crystal ball; they are not magic. Neither are the predictions speculation nor are they opinion. The predictions are based on scientific investigation of the physics of the Earth's atmosphere, ocean, land, and ice. The predictions include the role of chemistry and biology. There are uncertainties in the predictions, but the core of the predictions, that the Earth will warm, that sea level will rise, and that the weather will change is of little doubt.
Climate change is a rising issue of importance in our day and age, and one that is threatening our global society on many levels. In the past few decades, scientists have discovered that our planet’s climate has been changing at an alarming rate. The way in which we have changed the land to accommodate ourselves is evident in many areas including farming, cities, residential areas, and production, all of these changes have had an effect on the planet. These changes are now threatening the preservation of our planet. Evidence of climate change and global warming are rapidly increasing, but our western nations’ dependency on the economy and influences of capitalism are not only making these issues worse, but almost completely stopping the need for a solution to climate change. It is increasingly apparent that our dependency on the economy and the want for profit, is considered far more important then the current state and preservation of the planet that we inhabit. The aim of this essay is to discuss the importance of climate change and to argue that the western world is too influenced by capitalism to adequately deal with the issue.
Uncertainty will always exist in scientific investigation. It is part of the process. Investigation of complex systems will often lead to new sources of uncertainty. Challenging and re-challenging models and theory with observations will not uniformly lead to reduction or simplification of uncertainty. When the uncertainty is used in the development of arguments or policy that lie outside of the realm of science, the uncertainty can always be used to keep the argument or policy from converging. Always.
We have knowledge of how the climate will change. We know that this change will offer opportunity. We must evaluate that opportunity in context with our self interest and with regard to the risk. We know that this change will prove to be one of risk for many people. We have the responsibility, therefore, to act to reduce this risk.

My Teacher, My Hero
the strength to persevere and endure in spite of
overwhelming obstacles”
"Wika natin ang Daang Matuwid"
Reminiscing what I did the entire 1st quarter. How I cope and adjust to new lessons and to problems I encountered.