- Saturday, October 12, 2013
HTML ??? Huhh???? This is our lesson???? I asked that to
myself. It’s because, whenever I explore things on the internet or web, I just snub
that” HTM” thing. I always thought that it was the URL of any picture on web. I
never thought that it can be so much more than that. Then suddenly, it became
our lesson. I was shocked. As we go deeper into that topic, I was amazed. I
didn’t know how amazing and cool this HTML was.
So my reaction was, OH MY GOD.... Is this how it works??? I’m so glad
that we have an ICT subjectJ. That’s what I’ve learned in
the second grading, HTMLJ.....
Last grading period, I
promised to be more attentive and remove my laziness right??? So I KEPT IT... I
kept my promise. I remove my Laziness and made myself more attentive that
before. So now I’m a little bit more serious on my studies. I review my lessons
all the time also ... Maybe, I’m just inspired? Maybe... I also submit requirements on time, as
usual... I’ve encountered problems just
a little bit on our meeting in ICT, because ma’am was so busy that it why, we
only meet occasionally. What I did was, I just made draft in my notebook and
post it when I got home so that nothing to worry anymore. Another thing was not
actually related to ICT but in my personal life. I’ve lost my Cell phone; I don’t
know where my other things are. I can’t find it where I put it. Maybe I just
missed place it again. I've never been such a careless person. I don’t know what
happened to me. I regret being careless. So I got mad to myself. But then, I
just accept, moved on, forgive and forget, and promised to be more careful. Be stricter
on those people who borrow my things. So that nothing to lose again. I can’t
lose a thing anymore.
Next grading
period, I’ll be participating more on the discussions, continue being attentive
and diligent. I’ll be more careful also not just for the second grading period,
but also for my entire life. Gosh! It’s a traumatic experienced for meL. I’ll be tougher, brave and
get the hell out of my shell and be me. J I PROMISE. And the last time I
promised, I KEPT IT J .
My Teacher, My Hero
- Friday, October 11, 2013
My Teacher My Hero
Hero is and ordinary individual who finds
the strength to persevere and endure in spite of
overwhelming obstacles”
the strength to persevere and endure in spite of
overwhelming obstacles”
Do you know that true heroes don’t wear super
suite? That true heroes doesn’t have superpowers? They can wear anything and
they are just as simple as everybody else. These heroes are not like those
superheroes that we see on TV, that has superpowers, super strength, flying effects
and what so ever. They may not have these super powers, but still they are a
hero that plays an important role in our lives.
teacher is my hero. She may not lift a car by her forefinger by she will lift
you up when you are down. What I like about my teacher is that, she always believes
in you. She always gives you hope and courage. She believes that you can do it
no matter how hard a task is. She is always there when you are down and gives
positive thoughts or words of wisdom to lift you up and which really inspires
you to get back up and continue your life. She never get tired of smiling which
means she is strong and inspiring people with her powerful and inspiring pieces
of advice. My teacher is as strong as superman. Not necessarily on the ability
or skills but more on the emotions and courage on the way she handles her
problems in life. Life can’t knock her down for she is strong and brave. My
teacher affects my life in the thought that she inspires me a lot. I always
learn from her starting from every little thing she do to the pieces of advice
she has given me. I love my teacher. She is one of the reasons why I am also strong
and brave. The reason I always think positive and never give up in life.
teachers can be a hero can be a hero, if they have the determination, patients
and dedication to their work that can really give inspiration to people and
student. Also, when she has her heart to show love, and care to her students
and everybody else. A hero is not only those famous that we see on television
because for me, all of us can be a hero in our own simple way. <3 ;)
“A Hero is a man who does what he can”
When we are a kid, we all have
our favourite superheroes. We loved them, adore them, be like them, worshipped
the, dress like them, and act like them. As we grow older, we are being aware
that these superheroes with superpowers are rarely found. We may not have
superheroes with superpowers but luckily, we still have our modern day heroes
to save the day.
I consider my parents
as my hero. My modern day hero. They both sacrifice for our needs. They stay up
late just to work hard even though they’re already starving and very sleepy. So
you see how our parents sacrifice for us? They sacrifice their lives for us
because they love us. Just like those superheroes that we seen on TV. My mom is
a business woman; she goes to work from morning until late at night. She could
hardly find time to eat at lunch time because of so many papers to do. When she
got home, she is already tired and reckless, and all she wanted to do was to
rest and lay down on her bed. My dad is a security guard in a hospital. He sacrifices
his life to secure the safety of us and of the people in the hospital. He also
stays up late, sometimes; he also stays up early in the morning. They are the
ones taking care of us. Lifting us when we have problems.
I really appreciate
and adore their sacrifices and love for us. I’m very lucky to have them. They
inspired me to work harder in my studies so that in the future, I could be what
I want. I could be a Hero also just like them, I could be a better person. I
could also be successful just like them. A HERO. J
What do we mean by unravel? How can we Build Solutions? How can we
empower science clubbers? Let us know what the youth should or can do for our beloved
mother earth.
Natural disasters are unrestrained
and are threatening us. How can we mitigate these tragedies?
We humans are the roots of these disasters and tragedies happening
around us. We had let it happen by disregarding the things which was made by us
that causes these tragedies. By disregarding the people who are destroying our
precious nature. We humans should be the ones taking care of our own mother
earth, our home, our living. But what are we doing? We are the ones tearing it
down, inch by inch. Don’t you know that those trees that you cut and did not
replace, is one of the causes while there is floods and landslides? That those
smokes from your vehicles or cars, is the reason for the abnormality of our
climate change? That those trashes that you throw in the sea kills those
innocent marine living animals. Maybe we knew about all these things, but we
just disregard it. These are just some of the disasters happening around us.
So as
early as now, I’m saying it... NOW... We should not just watch TV; we should
not just standing there and watch people die because of these disasters.
Because of our wrong doings, we are destroying our home. So it’s time that we
stand up and build solutions. All of us could contribute into our own simple
things that we do for our home or mother earth. We just need UNITY,
DETERMINATION and COOPERATION. J Together we plant trees.
Together we clean the environment. Together we reduce smokes, clean the sea and
with these little things we do, even the youth that we empower can do, we could
survive, and we could help mother earth be more beautiful and progressive.
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